
Open Source (and forking)

Branching vs Forking

Step 1: Fork a copy of my mozilla-website repository into your own account!


will fork to

If you want to see the site rendered in your GitHub pages, go to Settings > GitHub Pages and select the “master” branch to render the page from.

Step 2: Make ONE change!

Make Changes on GitHub

The short way to do this is to just make the changes directly in the GitHub web editor in the your-username/mozilla-website repository’s master branch.

Optional (make changes locally instead)

If you want to get some more practice with GitHub though, you can clone the repository locally onto your Desktop. Make the changes, commit them, and then push the new commits from your local master branch to your remote master branch in GitHub.

Step 3: Issue a pull request back to my repository

Issue a pull request back from the master branch of the your-username/mozilla-website to the master branch of dmil/mozilla-website

Step 4: Wait for me to approve the pull request and see the change on my site.



Step 5: Woohoo! You just collaborated open-source.

Open source collaboration is great for: