
Git: Forking

Key Terms

A Typical Setup for Forked Code

Branching vs Forking

Here is a good example repository that makes use of issues and pull requests:

❇️ Example (shorter - no local repository)

  1. Step 1: Fork my repository dmil/simple-website.

  2. Go to Settings > GitHub Pages and select the “master” branch as the source. Wait a few seconds and then go to to make sure github pages is set up correctly.

  3. Normally I’d clone the forked repository locally onto my computer, push changes to the fork, then issue a pull request. For the sake of time lets cut that step out. Make one small edit in your fork of this code directly in GitHub.

  4. Create a pull request. Note that this time we are creating pull request across repositories instead of just across branches within the same repository. The base will be dmil/simple-website/master while the compare will be your-username/simple-website/master.

  5. Compare your website to mine:

  6. I will now merge your pull requests and we can see what changes you all make to the website over time. There’s a good chance we may run into some merge conflicts as well.

❇️ Example (Longer)

  1. Step 1: Fork my repository dmil/simple-website.

  2. Go to Settings > GitHub Pages and select the “master” branch as the source. Wait a few seconds and then go to to make sure github pages is set up correctly.

  3. Clone the forked repository to your Development folder.

     git clone
  4. Create a feature branch with your name.

     git checkout -b <your name>
  5. Make a random change.

  6. Commit and push the change.

     git commit -m "describe your random change here"
     git push
  7. Create a pull request. Note that this time we are creating pull request across repositories instead of just across branches within the same repository. The base will be dmil/simple-website/master while the compare will be your-username/simple-website/feature-branch-name.

  8. Create another pull request within the fork itself where the base is your own master branch. More explicitly, the base is your-username/simple-website/master and the compare is your-username/simple-website/feature-branch-name. Merge this pull request.

    Note: Draw diagram on board

  9. Compare your website to mine:

  10. I will now merge your pull requests and we can see what changes you all make to the website over time. There’s a good chance we may run into some merge conflicts as well.

Woohoo! You just collaborated open-source.

Open source collaboration is great for:

More Links

➡️ Try It

  1. Find another partner, and fork their <username>-simple-website.
  2. Clone your fork onto your local computer and create a feature branch called endorsement.
  3. Put an endorsement on their webpage as the last item on the site.
     <h2> Endorsements </h2>
     <p> You are a really cool person. - Dhrumil</p>
  4. Commit this endorsement and push it to your fork..
  5. Issue a pull request back to that person’s github repo.

Pull Requests and Issues in the Wild

➡️ Try It

Make an issue on my simple-website repository: