
A Scrum-ified (Scrum-ish?) J-term

Aggregate responses

User Research

Since the class is our product, and we’re going to run it using agile, lets do some user research.

  1. Lets split into pairs and for 5 minutes you have a free-form interview of your partner. Ask questions, take notes, try and understand what it is that they’re looking to get out of this class.
  2. Now switch roles for another 5 minutes.

Writing Good User Stories

As a ____**<role>**____________

I want ____**<feature>**________

So that ____**<value>**_________

User Stories ought to be

Definition of Done

User stories ought to have a definition of done. Generally there is one generic definition of done that applies to every story in the project, but aslo specific acceptance critera for each story.


Further reading from the Agile Alliance

➡️ Try It

Since we’re running a scrummy class, and this class is our product. Lets write good user stories for the class! Lets do this one in pairs.

  1. Write user stories from your interview of your partner
  2. Brainstorm stakeholders in the class
    • 2 as yourselvef
    • 1 as other “users” (in our case stakeholders)
  3. Pick the 3 most important stories, for each story make sure you have a definiton of “done” as well as a checkbox for I-N-V-E-S-T. Be honest about which part of I-N-V-E-S-T it meeets and which part it does not meet.

Lets share and workshop them together. Present one and put the rest up on the board. I will look through them after class and see how they can inform the development of the course.