Glossary & Data Source

In our geopolitics game, we focus on 12 key variables that define a country's influence. Influence can consist of both hard and soft power, so we have decided to include metrics from both categories.

Hard Power encompasses the measurable might of a nation: economic power, military strength, and state capabilities proxied by government revenue. Soft Power, on the other hand, captures cultural influence and global perceptions. Incorporating fun variables such as pet ownership and box office into Soft Power assessments adds a dimension that reflects a nation's lifestyle and societal quirks. These variables, often overlooked, can significantly influence global perceptions and cultural appeal.

These variables are defined at the end of the page, alongside the data for the sources.

We also want to give credit to the technology that helped us create this website. The world map on the main page was created using a GeoJSON file downloaded from Last retrieved on January 14, 2024.

The website was also created with the help of ChatGPT, to generate the code required for its functionality. As an example, when creating this page, we used the following prompt, then tweaked the outputs according to our needs: Please generate the content and webpage files (html, css, js) for a variety of variables. In terms of content, I want to classify these variables into hard power and soft power, and under each rubric, list the variables and detail the data source, data description and source link. In terms of style, I want to be able to fold and unfold each part so that the page is not too long.


Database Name: World Economic Outlook Database

Description: Trade balance as a percentage of GDP is a pivotal hard power indicator, reflecting a nation's economic interaction with the global market. A favorable balance, where exports exceed imports, signifies a country's strength in producing goods and services in demand worldwide. This economic prowess enhances its geopolitical influence, as trade relationships often translate into strategic alliances and diplomatic leverage. Essentially, a strong trade balance showcases a nation's capacity to assert economic power and shape international economic dynamics.

Data Source:

Citation: “World Economic Outlook Database.” IMF, Accessed 15 Jan. 2024.

Database Name: World Economic Outlook Database

Description: Government revenue as a percentage of GDP illustrates a government's fiscal potency and capacity to marshal resources. A higher percentage indicates strong financial management and the ability to fund significant public and defense projects, critical for exerting influence and maintaining security. This metric is fundamental in assessing a nation's ability to support its strategic interests and exert hard power in international affairs.

Data Source:

Citation: “World Economic Outlook Database.” IMF, Accessed 15 Jan. 2024.

Database Name: World Development Indicators database

Description: GDP per capita is a critical measure of economic strength and individual wealth within a country. High GDP per capita reflects a nation's economic prowess and technological advancement, representing its capacity to wield economic influence on a global scale. This financial strength is a cornerstone of hard power, underpinning a nation's ability to finance robust defense, engage in substantial diplomacy, and influence international economic policies.

Data Source:

Citation: World Bank. “GDP per Capita, PPP (Constant 2011 International $) | Data.”, 2011,

Database Name: World Development Indicators database

Description: Military expenditure is a direct measure of hard power, quantifying a country's defense capability and global strategic influence. High spending indicates significant military strength, projecting power and deterrence internationally. This financial commitment to defense shapes global perceptions of a nation's ability to assert itself, influence geopolitical dynamics, and maintain its interests and security on the world stage.

Data Source:

Citation: “World Bank, Military Expenditure (Current USD) | Data.”, 2019,

Database Name: Most Visited Countries

Description: International tourist arrivals are a potent indicator of soft power, reflecting a country's global allure and cultural appeal. High tourist numbers signal a strong international presence, as they showcase a nation's ability to attract and fascinate people worldwide. This influx not only boosts the economy but also disseminates cultural and social values, enhancing the nation's image and influence on the global stage.

Data Source:

Citation: World Population Review. “Most Visited Countries 2020.”, 2023,

Database Name: Pet Ownership Statistics by Country

Description: Pet ownership can subtly indicate soft power by reflecting cultural values and societal well-being. This aspect of domestic life, when visible internationally, can enhance a country's image as compassionate and prosperous, subtly influencing global perceptions and potentially fostering soft power through a demonstration of societal health and happiness.

Data Source:

Citation: World Population Review. “Pet Ownership Statistics by Country 2022.”, 2023,

Database Name: The Numbers

Description: The global box office reflects a country's cultural export strength and global appeal. High earnings signify successful cultural penetration and influence, as films are not just entertainment but vehicles for values, lifestyles, and perspectives. This cinematic success translates into a broader, global reach, shaping international perceptions and preferences, and thereby reinforcing a nation's soft power on the world stage.

Data Source:

Citation: “Movie Production Countries.” The Numbers,

Database Name: World Happiness Report 2023

Description: The happiness score, derived from metrics like GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom of choice, generosity, and corruption perception, serves as a quantitative index of national well-being. High scores reflect robust socio-economic health, enhancing a nation's global influence and soft power through demonstrable success in creating a contented society.

Data Source:

Citation: Helliwell, John F., et al. “World Happiness Report 2023.”, 20 Mar. 2023,

Database Name: Human Development Report

Description: Life expectancy measures the average number of years a newborn is expected to live. It is a comprehensive indicator of a country's health, governance, and socio-economic conditions. It influences how a country is perceived globally in terms of its ability to provide for its citizens and its overall quality of life, contributing to its soft power.

Data Source: United Nations Development Programme

Citation: United Nations, 2021,

Database Name: Human Development Report

Description: Mean years of schooling measure the average number of completed years of education. It reflects a country's commitment to education and its ability to produce a knowledgeable, skilled workforce, thereby influencing its soft power in the global arena.

Data Source: United Nations Development Programme

Citation: United Nations, 2021,

Database Name: Our World in Data

Description: Forest area is land with natural or planted stands of trees at least five meters in height, whether productive or not, andexcludes tree stands in agricultural production systems. Forest area can serve as a soft power indicator for several reasons, as it reflects a country's approach to environmental stewardship, sustainable development, and global ecological responsibility.

Data Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and historical sources

Citation: Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. “Forest Area.” Our World in Data, 2021,

Database Name: Our World in Data

Description: Measured as a percentage of primary energy using the substitution method. Renewables include hydropower, solar,wind, geothermal, bioenergy, wave, and tidal, but not traditional biofuels, which can be a key energy source, especiallyin lower-income settings. The extent to which a country utilizes renewable energy sources can significantly influence its global image and ability to persuade or attract others, thereby serving as an indicator of its soft power.

Data Source: Energy Institute - Statistical Review of World Energy (2023)

Citation: Ritchie, Hannah, et al. “Renewable Energy.” Our World in Data, 2020,